How Much Does It Cost to Start a Business?

So, you've decided to start your own business and you’re pretty sure you’re going to need money to get started. But, like most new entrepreneurs, you have no idea exactly how much cash you'll need.

Back in the day, Entrepreneurs did their best to get started and then calculated the grand total after the fact. These days, entrepreneurs are stuck like deer in headlights, wondering if they can fund the business or if they should find investors. Oftentimes, they talk themselves out of starting at all because of uncertainty and risk.

To steer your ship safely into the entrepreneurial waters you need a clear plan and a startup budget. In this blog, we'll emphasize the paramount importance of the Startup Budget and how it can be your compass to navigate the treacherous waters of business ownership.

Not Enough Money?

This is one of several common pain points for new entrepreneurs, as well as the top reasons for business failure.

But, we’re going to conquer the lack of funding, financial management issues, and poor cash flow in this blog.

Let’s get started…


A make-or-break decision for both novice and experienced entrepreneurs, the question of startup capital is a pivotal one.

Can you fund your business, or will you need investors to come on board?

This is a crucial consideration that can make or break your entrepreneurial dreams.

One key difference between seasoned entrepreneurs and newcomers is how they approach this critical question. While new entrepreneurs may be tempted to rely on guesswork or intuition, experienced entrepreneurs understand that precise planning is the linchpin of success. They don't assume; they get the facts.

So before making random assumptions:

  1. Consider the basis of your assumptions. In other words, identify the things you need to “buy” to get started, like website, domain, business license, mailbox, phone line, etc.

  2. Identify the monthly expenses you need to keep your business running, like marketing, office supplies, insurance, etc.

  3. Ask yourself how many months you expect to promote your business before it generates sales, for example, three months.

Now, you have your formula or establishing your Total Startup Amount:

$1,000 Start-up Costs + $300 Monthly Costs * 3 Months =

$1,000 Start-up Costs + $900 Monthly Costs =



But where and how are you going to document this information, especially if you need to share it with business partners, investors, or lenders? The solution to this conundrum is simple – a Startup Budget.

But not just any run-of-the-mill spreadsheet or a vague wish list. What you truly need is a potent and effective tool that will lay the foundation for your new business on rock-solid financial ground. A well-crafted Startup Budget will revolutionize your journey as an entrepreneur.

Here's how:

  1. Strategic Planning: It guides you in understanding and planning for the essential requirements to transform your business idea into reality. It ensures that no crucial aspect is overlooked, from initial setup costs to ongoing operational expenses.

  2. Quantifying Your Idea: The mere notion of your business idea is not enough. A Startup Budget helps you quantify that idea with precision. It gives you a clear picture of the financial resources required to launch and sustain your business until it begins generating revenue.

  3. Operational Sustainability: vital for the long-term health of your business, a Startup Budget outlines the total cost needed to maintain minimal operations until your sales start to pick up. This is a critical aspect often underestimated by new entrepreneurs.

  4. Ownership: To ensure that profits or losses are allocated fairly, the Startup Budget lists all cash and assets contributed by the partners and investors.

start your business with confidence


At NOBOSS, our goal is to empower you to LEARN, PLAN, and SUCCEED with unwavering confidence. That's why we offer the NOBOSS Startup Budget, a powerful tool designed to be your guiding light on the path to business success.

Get your business off to the best start ~ don't navigate these waters blindfolded. Don't leave your business success to chance. Take charge, plan meticulously, and pave the way for your business to thrive from day one. 

The Startup Budget is your key to a successful launch and a thriving business. You can download the Startup Budget or get NOBOSS Workshops Complete, and the Startup Budget is already included along with many other downloadable tools.

Success starts with you, NOBOSS just helps you get there!

Lysa at NOBOSS

Lysa Jenkins, Founder of NOBOSS, creator of NOBOSS Workshops, and committed to first-time entrepreneurs succeed.

I create actionable content that enables you to be productive and achieve real results. I encourage you to leverage the tools and references provided and visit our website for additional resources.

Success starts with you, NOBOSS just helps you get there.



28 Tips for New Entrepreneurs